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اجتماعی- فرهنگی

دکتر حسن خیری

The moral decline of Western society.

جمعه, ۱ شهریور ۱۳۹۲، ۰۷:۱۴ ب.ظ
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The moral decline of Western society.

Hojjat al-Eslam Hassan spontaneously

One concern of scientists in the late twentieth century is due to the collapse of the West. Robert Jay. Ryngraz many scientists who understand the cultural decadence of the West, immorality sees the roots decline and writes: The decline and fall of the West may be indicated by a volatile graphs. The decline of the U.S. in the last fifty years (the years between 1912 to 1963) There are more than 137 years ago and works in the last twenty years has been more than fifty years ago. (1)

Ringer Jhayy incidence of human rights in the moral collapse of the West explains:

"When the moral collapse of the West," rights "as a sacred notion or better to say" majority rule "or" right "people emerged gradually led to a strong correlation ... . In democracy, the concept of "human rights" to ensure the protection of borders, water, soil, and this is the best basis for satisfying ... . I repeated the question whether other when there is no escape for the West? Can we rediscover your spirit and the moral traits we gain? Can we bring back the ethical values ​​of their civilization, they have lost, back to where it was once the basis for the West? ... In my opinion, the only way we can hope is that it points to the right and moral appeal to rediscover the West. "(2)

This is also an indication of crime statistics that should cause an increase in crime and decadence cultural attitude towards the world and human culture and standards of behavior and other factors such as the economy itself, has no role in the cultural collapse. Therefore, Ryland Gordon England, the land of the survey years 1849 1885 participants, concludes that increasing the number of offenders with high and rising misery of the poor do not match. In the years 1872 1877, as well as the economic conditions are provided, the number of crimes and that the Applying from 1877 to 1885, despite increasing numbers of misery and poverty, crime figures clearly is reduced . (3)

The cultural collapse of the West in its cultural component should be sought. Fromm also something that has been culturally and Fall of the West, particularly in the humanities, such states:

There is only one man who takes their fellows no biological reason.

2 modern psychology as much as many dead souls is not intended as a complete zombie and simply tells him to pieces.

3 people in society today can be seen as a tool for that car still exists. In this community, the perfect man sees itself as an active product.

4 In today's society, people have become a zero or a piece of a car and when profits and productivity of a society as a goal and the result of human efforts Byndnmy Jzayn can predict the other. I think that the germ destroying the social system itself. (4)

"With increasing industrialization process of urbanization, migration to large cities, population growth, and many other phenomena of this kind was in the West in the nineteenth century and even earlier in the eighteenth century progressed, causing rupture and collapse of many interests and constraints of traditional communities in large cities, and to some extent a little loosening of their family and society in the rural areas. "(5)

The most important underlying forces behind these developments and sudden transfer of social order as something that "individualism" or the rights of the individual are known. Religious or philosophical individualism individualism is one of the most important elements of the modern world, the idea of ​​humanism during the Renaissance originated. This attitude, or orientation, especially in the U.S., much more powerful and much of the soul and essence of American culture's point, and then gradually come, by this way, again returned to Europe where he is also extended. The original religion of individualism and individual rights first, ie an interpretation, ultra-right precedence over the rights of God and knows even possible. (6)

"Insistence on individualism Religion is the legal arguments made in recent times ... very quick changes occur. The issue of sexual ... a good example illustrating the rapid social changes. Today unrestrained sexual time as is common for many people in the West rather loose time figuring out the situation without any moral concern raised in the basement changing the criteria. For many Westerners, no new criterion and the criterion of divine or moral, is the divine origin and it is necessary to observe the basic problem is not there. "(7)

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